The Little Bud at Springtime

The Feminine energy is now in great need of the masculine to bring it into full Bloom

The sap has been rising gently in the tree barks, the deep soil has rumblings of life.

Now is your time Father Sun to

caress, impregnate, penetrate the darkness

with your golden light into the waiting EARTH.

Father Sun, shine your golden rays onto and into Mother Earth.

She is ready to receive you.

She has been waiting all the dark days,

holding her seeds, for you to lead them into their new existence.

Come out of the darkness little seed,

reach high, breathe, move.

Sense the awakening that’s calling to your deepest knowing.

Feel the heat, subtle but definite,

calling you, to come forth from the dark womb of 

Pachamama, Mama Gaia, Mother Earth!

Feel the Sun reaching into you,

nourish, grow, show yourself,

become your truth.

Open to the possibilities of beauty, not yet known.

In this dark soil of your existence fragile seed,

Don’t give up, there is more to this life, don’t give up.

You are not dying, you are AWAKENING.

Out of the darkness you shall rise,

but remember to keep your strong roots snuggly planted in

Pachamama, Mama Gaia, Mother Earth!

While SHE holds you in the dark,

HE will move you into the light.

You are forever held in this dance.

Open fully, see clearly, feel it all.

You my darling bud are the Dance.

You are the creation

of Father Sun and Mother Earth,

of darkness and light, 

You are the AWAKENED one,

You are Love in action!


Dreamtime to Reality


The Essence of a Woman